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      The only info that you need to provide to join this list is your E-mail address. I will never ask for info than that. Your E-mail address will NEVER be given, sold, or traded to anyone.

The purpose of this list is to inform those who are interested in:

1.  New scripts that I add to the site
2.  New features and updates to available scripts
3.  New skins for various programs
4.  And some other info that I deem to be of value to list members

     This list will be used to let users know of upgrades to current scripts. If you download a script of mine from this site, then you may want to consider this. You will receive notification in your E-mail mailbox as to when I upgrade the script that you use. So you can come and get newer versions of the script(s) that you use. And also for those of you who currently use my scripts, you may want to know when I come out with brand new scripts for you to use.

      I promise not to purposely flood your inbox. I send out updates only when there is enough information to report to the list. If you receive an E-mail close after another, then the second one contained important info that I felt could not wait until there was more information to report on in another E-mail.

      You can unsubscribe at ANY point. It is quite simple to do! There will be a link included at the bottom of every E-mail sent to you through this list...just click on that link and you will be removed from the list and will not receive another E-mail again unless you resubscribe.

      I, Christopher-Michael Snyder operate the mailing list myself through a script housed on a seperate server than this. The script resides on my account with Hypermart as are all the scripts that I use as this site's back-end and all the demos for the scripts that I have written and offer through this site. I moved the site itself to this server because I did not want to deal with Hypermart's popup ads just to use the scripts. So that is why the E-mail headers and links will be for a Hypermart account and not this URL. Only I have the necessary username and password to access the administration center. If it seems that an E-mail from this list was written by someone other than I...please inform me here and alert me to the intrusion.

Thank you.

This site and all its content is ©2001 Christopher-Michael Snyder, unless specified otherwise.